Friday, October 25, 2013

Us in 2012

Here is a quick view of our last year. Real quick.

We had a big party at our house.  We had all of the Starr clan come down to play, then took kids trick-or-treating.  Fun was had by all.  ;)

One of our favorite traditions is doing our doing our "Thankful 4's".  We write down all that we are thankful for at the beginning of the month so we have the whole month to look at these "thankful 4's", and it helps remind us what is really important.

How did I not get any pics of all my kids standing in front of the Christmas tree this year?  Slacking.  No worries, I will make up for it this year.  What a wonderful time of year.  We tried to involve the kids more this year.  We did a little project that really helped the kids understand the true meaning of Christmas.  It was an amazing Christmas.

And I just could resist putting in a couple pictures of our sweet new bundle of joy. This was his first Christmas.

Look at that adorable smile.  Like I said, he sure makes happy!

Still doing cakes.  Nothing near the amount I was doing in Vernal, but at least my kids are getting them.  This was Matthew's.  The Avengers.  All made out of fondant.  

Dallin's first birthday, and his monster cake.  Again, that smile!

Again, didn't get any good group pictures.  Thought this looked pretty "Easter-ie".

Easter morning.  After finding their Easter baskets.  Dallin is still sleeping.  

First Day of School
Allison is in 3rd grade (9yrs), and Matthew is in 1st (6 yrs).

Maddie is in preschool (4 yrs).  We are doing a co-op preschool between myself and 5 other moms.  Love it and so does Maddie.

Our cute growing little family.  Can you believe all that has changed sense last time?  Neither can I, neither can I.  

Getting back into the blog of things...

I wanted to find a blog I haven't used for a while. The only place I knew I could find it was on my blog. So after a couple of years of being ignored, I think I might try this thing out again. It was fun to go back and look at all that has happened. I even caught Kevin going back and looking. We have moved out to Lehi since last time I blogged, we have added one more darling bouncing baby boy to our little family, Kevin has a new business with his father, and the kids are growing up so fast.

Here is our sweet little addition, sweetest little boy who makes us all laugh.

I know it looks like he is playing with the outlets, but I promise, they are covered.  How cute is he??!!

I think this is going to be more like a journal for me, I am not sure if anyone will even read it, but it's what I need.  So, here goes another attempt of keeping a history of our growing family.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Matthew's Christmas Program

This program made me just laugh and laugh. They had been practicing and practicing their songs for weeks. Night of the program, there teacher did a great job singing. There were a couple of kids that sang, one had his fingers in his ears, others where to busy finding their moms and waving. It was soooo cute!!!!

Santa came by after all the singing.  I don't have a picture of Matthew sitting on Santa's lap.  He went with my sister at the beginning while I was putting out all the cupcakes (that I got to make).  There is a picture of him on Santa's lap, just in my sister's camera.  I will have to get it from her before I forget!

First grade's Nut Cracker

Here is Allison's Christmas program. Every year, the school puts the first grade in charge of doing the Nut Cracker. It was such a cute program to watch. Allison was on of the Chinese Dancers, the tall Chinese Dancer in orange. She was so excited about this.  Anytime, while I was listening to Christmas music, and a song from the Nut Cracker came on, she let everyone know that it was from the Nut Cracker.  The day of the program, they actually got to wear "real" make up.  Wow did that make her day.  Enjoy the pictures!!

Christmas tree decorating

I have to admit that I had time "feeling" like it was Christmas. So, as an attempt to help me get it, we put the tree up a bit earlier then normal. That made a huge difference. Here are the pics of our tree decorating.

After the other two kids were in bed Maddy sat down and did her own rearranging.  Moved as many of the shiny balls to on area so she could sit there and look and play with them. 

Cute smile!

Her finished branch.  After she went to sleep I rearranged them, then I would have to do it the next night, and the night after that.  She wanted those decorations on that branch.  I eventually stopped rearranging  those decorations. 


Halloween is not really one of my favorite holidays. I don't get a lot of pics around Halloween. There is no way that I would miss out on taking pictures of my cute kids all dressed up and ready for trick or treating.

This year Matthew was Spiderman, however, this is the only time he wore the mask. He didn't like the mask at all. Neither did Madalynn. The first time that Maddy saw him with it on she screamed he loud ear piercing scream. After he took it off she was fine. It just made me laugh, because it's not even a "scary" mask.

Madalynn was a Ballerina Bat. Besides how much of her chest it shows, I loved it, as did she. She absolutely loved the gloves and the wings. What a cute little girl she is!

Allison was a Wedding Bride. She is my sweet little romantic. She is always drawing pictures of someone getting married, or talking about when she gets married. So, it was very fitting that she chose to be a Wedding Bride for Halloween.

The serious picture of all my kids,

and the not so serious picture of my kids. The fun picture. These guys sure make me smile.